This is a book for church and ministry builders. The method of Jesus’ ministry was men. He walked with them, talked with them, demonstrated effective ministry and then called them to imitate. Most ministers have heard of the term “focus on a few”. However, very few have cracked the code on how to powerfully apply this Jesus principle. Jesus spend his three years of public ministry merely loving and counseling those around him. His long term plan to evangelize the nations in his generation was to raise up a Company Of Prophets that he called – The Apostles! This book seeks to help the minister in this all important task! It is a step by step “field manual” hoping to aid the ministry leader to build a infrastructure of powerful leaders which will in turn allow him to have an impact far beyond himself. This was Jesus’ game plan to win the world in the first century and it needs to be ours in the twenty first century!
COPS-Company of Prophets
This is a book for church and ministry builders. The method of Jesus’ ministry was men. He walked with them, talked with them, demonstrated effective ministry and then called them to imitate. Most ministers have heard of the term “focus on a few”.
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